My Story
Raised on a cattle farm outside of Houston, I had the typical southern upbringing filled with church, fish fries, and football. Following in my father’s footsteps I went to Texas A&M where I graduated in 2015 with my B. S. in Elementary Education and with my M. Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction in 2016. As a young woman whose metacognition had only began to spark, I embarked on my mission to empower humanity with education.
For seven years my young adult life revolved around a passion for the learning process and creating engaging ways to nourish young minds. After working with many parents in joint efforts to help their children succeed, I became aware that the parents’ impact on their children’s lives was significantly more than I could hope to achieve in just one year. I observed internal patterns within parental behaviors limit their child’s success in education. This planted a desire for advancing my education in the human psyche and rewiring these unconscious self-limiting patterns in hopes of making a larger impact on future generations.
“…where my own unconscious conditioning, childhood wounds, and belief systems began to reveal themselves. "
Searching for a deeper explanation of how we come to limit ourselves (and even more so) a framework for self-empowerment, I enrolled at the Psychospiritual Institute immersing myself in a ten-month intensive program which paved a path for aspiring coaches to practice the work of psychosynthesis on themselves and each other.
Having been on a self-growth journey for years I initially questioned the value of psychosynthesis. This proved to be one of my most humbling experiences, where my own unconscious conditioning, childhood wounds, and belief systems began to reveal themselves.
Through this process I discovered a part of me, the 17-year-old girl who lost her father, was still grieving his death - turning to unhealthy outlets of expression due to the lack of emotional processing models from my parents. Unknowingly, my parents taught me to bottle up uncomfortable emotions because that’s what was modeled for them (generational conditioning).
For years substances and partying were my distraction from acknowledging the inner turmoil which was never fully processed. I would do the inner work, yet this pattern would still repeat. Diving into this shadow of mine through the framework of psychosynthesis helped me access unconscious dialogue fueling these behaviors I was desperately running from for thirteen years. Though these deep wounds will always be a part of me, I can now hold them with awareness and compassion healing the teenage girl within and synthesizing this part with the rest of myself.
Not all of my self-limiting patterns came from my young conditioning, however. After a five-year fluctuating marriage, I realized I was choosing to stay due to unconscious beliefs that I couldn’t be happy while single and I was potentially unlovable. These were truths I held onto for the latter years of my marriage along with prioritizing the stigma of divorce and appearances (my false model values) over my inner truth. Leaving felt like jumping off a cliff, yet I learned to fly on the way down.
These were only two of the many pieces unveiled about my inner world as I continued my work with psychosynthesis. Each piece has a story for how they came to be and a desire to mature and integrate that part with the rest of me. My own unfolding instilled an immense sense of awe as I uncovered the hidden building blocks of my psyche. Though painful at times, feelings of liberation and empowerment flowed through me with each layer peeled back. It was through this process where I discovered the value of psychosynthesis coaching and how it has the potential to create powerful, positive change for the lives of others who are looking for answers within.
So here I am, offering the world a practice to help each individual I work with explore their own psyche and unfold their liberated, authentic self.
A journey which has guided me into a deeper understanding of my own story where in every chapter I found myself, and I’m still turning pages.
I’d love to help you find your new path. Work with me to discover how to unfold your own story.